Multi-stakeholder Steering Group Members

Nepal/Asia Pacific - Treasurer, Forum for digital Equality (Civil Society)

Kamala Adhikari is a the Coordinator of Online Child Safety Initiative, a consortium initiative led by Forum for Digital Equality and Internet Society Nepal. She is the Treasurer of Forum for digital Equality, and has keen interest on digital rights, protection of women and children in cyber space and mobile technologies. As Internet Governance enthusiast, she has participated various IG forums including, UNIGF, ICANN, Stockholm Internet Forum, APrIGF, Nepal IGF.

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South Asia - Vice President, Internet Society Nepal (Civil Society)

I was involved in Internet from 19 years. Working in different.

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Mr. Klée AIKEN
Wellington, NZ - Editorial Board, International Journal of Digital Peace and Security (Academia)

A Chicagoan lost in the Asia-Pacific, Klée is an ex-think tanker exploring the world of Internet Goverance, cyber policy, and capacity building. Formerly with APNIC, he currently works to build strong partnerships and incident response capacity across the Pacific with CERT NZ. Klée is also on the Advisory Board of the GFCE and Editorial Board of IJDPS.

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Mr. Peng Hwa ANG
Singapore - Professor, Nanyang Technological University (Academia)

Professor Ang Peng Hwa is at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He was a member of the Working Group on Internet Governance and a co-founder of the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum.

His teaching and research interests combine law and communication, touching on internet law and policy, censorship, and the social impact of media. He is the author of Ordering Chaos: Regulating the Internet (Thomson, 2005). His articles have appeared in academic journals as well as trade publications such as the Asian Wall Street Journal and the Singapore Straits Times.

He was President of the International Communication Association and co-founded the Global Internet Governance Academic Network where he served as inaugural chair. He also served as the founding President of the Internet Society (Singapore Chapter).

He has been a visiting Fulbright scholar at Harvard University and a visitor at Oxford University. In 2008, he spent his sabbatical as dean of the Mudra Institute of Communication Research, in Ahmedabad, India, to help start the doctoral programme.

He is interviewed regularly by the Singapore media and has also appeared in articles in the Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, TIME magazine, and the Economist magazine’s Marketplace.

A lawyer by training, he worked as a journalist before going on to pursue a Master’s in communication management at the University of Southern California and a Ph.D. in the mass media at Michigan State University.

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Mr. Mohammad Abdul Haque ANU
Bangladesh - Secretary General, Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (Civil Society)

Mr. Anu has spent 26+ years of his career playing as a leading role as the Social & Industry evangelist for ICT Journalist, Internet Governance, e-Commerce, e-Development, Telecommunication, ICT for Development (ICT4D), Internet Service Provider, Business Development and ICT Consultancy. He has unique quality of experience and contribution in an inclusive manner in multi-stakeholders of Private Sector, NGO & Civil Society, Public Sector, Policy Makers, Academia and Media. He is known as Transformational Leader, Strategic Visionary, Elite Communicator and Change Agent.

He is presently working as founding Secretary General of Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF) in conjunction with United Nation Internet Governance Forum created by UN World Summit on the Information Society (UN WSIS) Action plan from 2006. He is also a member of Multi Stakeholder Group (MSG) of Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF). He is associated with ISOC as a member since 2009.

Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu is also serving as the National School of Internet Governance (SIG) Coordinator in Bangladesh. He popularize the Bangladesh School of Internet Governance (bdSIG) is community driven initiative to build capacity of the local community. bdSIG a product of long discussions with Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG).

He has been working as the research fellow of the Bangladesh Centre for Fourth Industrial Revaluation. Because of his interest he is engaged as Research Assistant in the Accident Research Institute under Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. He completed post graduation degree from Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology in the field of social science in Sociology & Anthropology. He has also completed Diploma in Human Rights and Legal Aid from Dhaka International University.

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Mr. Babu Ram ARYAL
Nepal/Asia Pacific - Founder/CEO, Internet Governance Institute (Civil Society)

Mr Aryal is a practicing lawyer with focus on Telecommunication, Cyber Security, Cyber Crime, Media Laws and Intellectual Property laws. As a law and policy consultant Mr Aryal has led various ICT and Media Law related law and policy-making initiatives at national and International level. Mr. Aryal was involved in "Drafting Unified Information Technology Bill-2018" (2018), "Reviewing Information Technology Laws in Nepal" (2013), "Analysis of Nepali Legal System from E-Governance perspective and Drafting E Governance Bill, 2011" and “Information, Education and Communication strategy for Local Government and Community Development Project, 2009”. He was Lead Researcher in the research "Use of Criminal Laws to Curb Freedom of Expression Online in Nepal" (2012)", and advisor to the research "Mapping Position of Internet and Freedom of Expression in Nepal with reference to UN Special Rapporteur's Report to UN General Assembly" (2012).

Mr. Aryal is the Vice Chair of Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum and founding Vice Chair of Nepal Internet Governance Forum. He is one of founding member of Internet Society Nepal and served as its President from 2011-2016. He could be reached at [email protected]

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APAC - Vice-President, ISOC Accessibility Special Interest Group (Civil Society)

Gunela Astbrink has been active in disability policy, programs and research for 30 years and brings this experience to Internet governance. She is a member of the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG).

Gunela has organised workshops and spoken at national, regional and global IGFs as well as participating in NETmundial in Brazil. Gunela is a member of the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) Multi-stakeholder Steering Group. Gunela was an inaugural Australian IGF ambassador.

She is Vice-President of the global Accessibility Special Interest Group of the Internet Society and is a member of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society. Gunela was on the Board of the Australian ISOC Chapter for 10 years.

Gunela was National Coordinator of TEDICORE for 10 years representing persons with disability to achieve better accessibility to telecommunications and Internet services in Australia.

Her broad Internet governance expertise enabled her to teach Information Policy and Governance to postgraduate IT students in Griffith University’s Department of International Business and Asian Studies.

Gunela participates in ICANN’s Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO) and has served on the At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee and on the Internet Society’s NomCom. Gunela is an At-Large Ambassador having been selected as a participant in ICANN’s 5-yearly At-Large Summit held in Montreal, Canada in 2019 to support thought and change leaders.

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Cho Thazin AUNG
Myanmar - Asia Administrative Associate, Association for Progressive Communications, (Civil Society)

I worked as a Social Impact Associate for Phandeeyar til 2020 which works on empowering Myanmar people to use digital technologies in a safe and inclusive way. For the past two years, I have given numerous trainings and workshops to youths, human rights defenders, and civil society across Myanmar on digital security, and digital literacy. I have also conducted online and offline campaigns to provide digital literacy resources to people in Myanmar from 2018-2020.

I joined Association for Progressive Communications - APC on March 2021 as Asia Administrative Associate, working closely with Challenge Asia team. I am mainly working on managing the day-to-day administrative and logistics requirements of APC's projects and work in Asia, manage internal systems and procedures, and provide support to the project coordinators and project teams. This position will work closely with APC's project teams in Asia and coordinate with APC's logistics and operations team as required.

I am also a young community-focused Burmese Muslim woman based in Yangon, Myanmar and spend my free time working with youth to promote positive change by the use of technology.

I am very interested in how technology can be used to promote positive change, and empowering Myanmar people to use digital technologies in a safe and inclusive way.

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Mr. Satish BABU
Regional - Chair, APRALO (Civil Society)

Chair of APRALO, founder-chair of ISOC Trivandrum, and past President of Computer Society of India.

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Mr. Fouad BAJWA
Lahore, Pakistan - Adjunct and Visiting Fellow, Centre for Public Policy and Governance (Civil Society)

Fouad has been involved with Entrepreneurship, Public Policy and Internet Governance for past two decades. Visiting Fellow and Adjunct Faculty Member for Internet, Technology and Public Policy at the Centre for Public Policy and Governance, FCC University Lahore since 2015 and is a member of the Steering Group of PKSIG Pakistan School on Internet Governance. 2015-Pres. He served as a member of the United Nations Secretary General’s Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) for the IGF Internet Governance Forum. 2009-2012. He has been contributing member to various cross community working groups and activities in ICANN and with the At-Large community since 2008 as a member of APRALO (Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization and the Non-Commercial Users/Stakeholder Group NCUC/NCSG. Fouad served as the Co-Vice Chair APRALO (Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organization) from 2010-2014. Fouad has been contributing to the APrIGF MSG. APrIGF since 2012.

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Vanuatu - Managing Director, Pacific Inspiro Limited, (Technical Community)

Dalsie G. Baniala is currently providing Regulatory advisory to the Government of Palau through the Ministry of Public Infrastructure, Industry and Commerce (MPIIC) and other related policy advice. Engaged by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), she assisted Vanuatu Gov't in coordinating the development of Vanuatu's national Digital Government roadmap. She is also served as one of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum Multi-Advisory Group (MAG) members representing the Pacific Island Voice at the MAG discussions ending in December 2020. She served as one of the interim board members for VANIGF

She was recently appointed by Pacific Inspiro Limited board of Directors, as the Managing Director.

Ms. Baniala is Vanuatu's former independent Telecommunications, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) She has over 10 years of executive regulatory experience. Her executive regulatory experiences cover project management and administration, implementations of spectrum management, internet Governance matters, interconnection activities, Universal Access policy projects, numbering management, the general quality of services especially at the user experience, required standards of ICT products, consumer protection, and educational/awareness activities, and more other digital activities including understanding and support towards cybersecurity, privacy activities and promote and support Women & Girls in ICT in Vanuatu and the region. Importantly, provided high-level executive support and independent policy advice to the Hon. Prime Minister of Vanuatu was the Minister responsible for Telecommunications and Broadcasting services then. She has range and wealth of experience and understanding on developing/remote rural community experiences, cause of service gaps between the non-elites and the elites at all levels of business operations, and the most common challenges and respective causes, the remote communities are facing. She provided voluntary support and assistance to women developments in Vanuatu and the region such as Women and Girls in Sports, faith-based youth development, and cultural activities in rural communities.

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Mr. Udeep BARAL
Nepal - Program Officer, Internet Society Nepal (Technical Community)

Udeep Baral is a Computer Engineer who has been working at the Internet Society Nepal Chapter since 2016. He received the titled of Internet Society IGF Youth Ambassador 2019 and youth fellow of IGF 2019, Berlin. More than two years’ experience in community ISP, he has started a mini Internet service provider (ISP) at his community and provides free Internet access in his local community. He has also been actively involved in Internet governance issues and participated as a panelist promoting the importance of a youth forum at the Nepal Internet Governance Forums (IGFs). Additionally, he is a resource person at the Nepal School on Internet Governance on the topic of youth and Internet governance. He is the founder of Youth IGF Nepal.

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Australia - External Relations Manager, APNIC (Technical Community)

Melody is currently the External Relations Program Manager at Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC). APNIC is the Regional Internet Registry administering IP addresses for the Asia Pacific, and working towards a vision for a global, open, stable and secure Internet.

Melody leads the External Relations Program that engages with APNIC's wide range of multistakeholders, projects and economies. She is the driving force behind the coordination and deployment of APNIC staff to the entire Asia Pacific region.

Melody brings with her almost a decade of experience working with diverse communities in facilitating positive change. With a repertoire of collaborative projects and campaigns under her belt, she brings passion and creativity to the technical community.

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Ms. Pravina BHARATH
India - Faculty, Global Ties (Private Sector)

I hold a MPhil degree in Computer Science and work as a faculty in Global Ties organization. My area of interest is Networking and I am a fellow in inSIG and have also attended APNIC 48 in Chiang Mai

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India - Professor, Dr.G.R Damodaran College of Science (Academia)

I hold a PhD in Computer Science with a work experience as Professor for more than 20 years. My area of specialization is Networking and I have authored 3 books on 3G and 4G networks, SOA and Cyber Security. I have also authored many chapters for International publications and more than 40 research papers. I am also a fellow of APNIC 42, APrIGF 2017, inSIG 2017, inSiG 2018, APNIC 48

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Chris Ann Mel BUGNOT
Philippines - Communications Consultant, Association for Progressive Communications, (Intergovernmental Organizations)

Val is an activist, journalist and community organiser passionate about climate justice, digital security, gender equality and social justice. She has been working with communities in the Southeast Asian region since 2010. She has also provided communications strategy and support for international NGOs, national government agencies and development partners. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Development Communication and is currently finishing her Master's degree in Community Development. In her previous work, Val led the communications strategy and knowledge management for the Ambitious City Promises, a landmark low emission development project implemented in key cities of Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines.

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Ms. Sylvia CADENA
Brisbane, Australia - Head of Programs, APNIC Foundation (Technical Community)

After ten years managing the Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia) at APNIC, Sylvia was appointed Head of Programs at the APNIC Foundation in December 2016. As Head of Programs, Sylvia works on the management, design and implementation of collaborative programs to expand APNIC’s capacity-building efforts and its overall Development Program.

At ISIF Asia, Sylvia continues to lead a grants and awards program that seeks to empower communities in the Asia Pacific to research, design and implement Internet-based solutions for their own needs. As one of the region’s most established Internet development programs, ISIF Asia places particular emphasis on the positive role the Internet has on social and economic development in the Asia Pacific.

Sylvia also leads APNIC’s engagement with the Seed Alliance, a global collaboration with the AFRINIC and LACNIC (the regional Internet registries for Africa, Latina America and the Caribbean respectively). Together with its funding partners, and various regional sponsors, the Seed Alliance supports innovative Internet development across the global south.

She is serving as a member of the ICANN CCWG on new gTLD auction proceeds and Co-Chair of the APrIGF.

Before joining APNIC in 2008, Sylvia spend 15 years working on the strategic use of the Internet for development with an emphasis on capacity building. Since her early years as a UN Volunteer, she has worked across the multistakeholder spectrum of organizations with technical, training and advisory roles, mainly about information systems, access provision and innovation.

In July 2003, her work was recognized with the “Annual Award for Young Professionals” by the International Development Research Center (IDRC).

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Lennon CHANG
Australia - Senior Lecturer, Monash University (Academia)

Dr Lennon Yao-Chung Chang is currently a Senior Lecturer in Criminology in the School of Social Sciences at Monash University. He was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Social Sciences at the City University of Hong Kong (2011-2015), and project manager in the Science and Technology Law Centre, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan (2005-2007). He is the co-founder and the Vice-Chairman of the Asia Pacific Society of Technology and Society. He is also the co-founder of Cyber Baykin: Myanmar Cyber Security Awareness Campaign.

Dr Chang’s research interests focus on the intersection of law and technology, cybercrime and cyber security, regulatory pluralism, co-production of cyber security, and juvenile cyber-deviance, especially in the Indo-Pacific region. He is one of the very few academics and legal researchers to research the intersection of technology and law and cybercrime in the early 2000s. His book Cybercrime in the Greater China Region: Regulatory Responses and Crime Prevention Across the Taiwan Strait (Edward Elgar, 2012) was the first book based on empirical research on cybercrime across the Taiwan Strait. It was well-received by academics and practitioner and contributed significantly to the understanding of cybercrime in the Greater China region. The concept of “wiki crime prevention” which he proposed has added to the discussion on how to make computer incident reporting feasible. His current research on “co-production of cyber security” looks into how the public and private sectors can collaborate against cybercrime and how internet vigilantism can contribute to secure cyberspace. His publication can be seen in quality peer reviewed journals and book chapters.

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Ms. Joyce CHEN
Australia/Singapore - Senior Advisor - Strategic Engagement, APNIC (Technical Community)

Joyce Chen is APNIC’s Senior Advisor for Strategic Engagement. She represents the organisation to deepen relationships with key stakeholders such as governments, the technical community, and the wider Asia Pacific Internet community. Joyce is also involved in expanding APNIC’s capacity development and outreach efforts.

Prior to APNIC, Joyce worked in ICANN as the Senior Manager (APAC) for Global Stakeholder Engagement. Her engagement work with the multistakeholder APAC community helped to further the global cause of ensuring an interoperable, secure, and stable Internet.

Joyce is active in public policy discussions at the local, regional, and global platforms. She is passionate about Internet access and development, as well as finding opportunities for interdisciplinary cooperation and partnerships.

Joyce is also experienced in Media and Corporate Communications, and Strategic Planning. A former young diplomat, Joyce handled the ASEAN portfolio while in Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She graduated with a Bachelor of Honours in Sociology.

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Ms. YingChu CHEN
Taiwan - Assistant Research Fellow, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (Academia)

- Oneof International Affairs Committee member of Taiwan Network Information Center(TWNIC). - Doing research in Internet Governance issues. I am interested in freedom of expression, gender equality and cybersecurity.

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Mr. Sunny CHENDI
Australia - Senior Advisor Policy and Community Development, APNIC (Technical Community)

Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi is APNIC's Senior Advisor for Policy and Community Development and also Liaison Officer for the South Asia region. He is responsible for supporting the APNIC community in the resource Policy Development Process and enhancing the levels of engagement and participation of the members of the community which APNIC serves. He also manages the South Asia region Liaison role while establishing partnerships with external organizations to encourage latest technical deployments and help the community derive the maximum benefit from developments at APNIC.

Sunny has worked in a variety of roles at APNIC and elsewhere, including External Relations Manager, Policy Development Manager, Online Services Manager, Internet Resource Analyst, Technical Support Supervisor, and Systems Security Analyst.

Sunny represents APNIC at an economic and regional level and is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to collaborate with the Asia Pacific community.

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Mr. Rajesh CHHARIA
India - President, Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) (Technical Community)

Besides serving currently, as Executive Council (EC) and Secretary of APNIC, Rajesh Chharia, is the President and co-founders of the Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI). As the President of ISPAI, currently leads the combined advocacy and policy reform efforts of nearly 700+ ISPs in India, representing their interests at various forums.

He is also appointed Multi Stake Holder Advisory Member under United Nation Internet Governance Forum (MAG Member of UN IGF)

He is one of the co founder of INNOG (India Network Operator Group) and ISOC Delhi Chapter.

As an Entrepreneur, Rajesh started CJ Online, the only ISP having a complete digital platform in Delhi NCR, besides managing his family business of Manufacturing Packaging Materials.

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Mr. Eun Chang CHOI
Seoul, Republic of Korea - Director, GP3 KOREA (The Global Poverty Public Awareness Project in Korea) (Civil Society)

He is a Korean legal scholar focused on information law, and a member of South Korean IGF ( In 2010, he co-founded the Global Poverty Public Awareness Project ( with college volunteers and lawyers that disseminate open knowledge about issues affecting global poverty with emphasis on ICT for development, internet access and open data. Previously, he was a Fellow of Yale Information Society Project at Yale Law School where he served as a coordinator of Harvard-Yale-MIT Cyberscholar Working Group. Also he has held an appointment as a Visiting Scholar of Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at University of Oxford.

He works in the intersections of the Internet with law and policy including intellectual property, cybersecurity and content control, and computer algorithms. He joined the faculty of Korea University Graduate School International Studies. where he taught 'International E-commerce law' and 'Policy for Global Information Society'. Later he was an Invited Expert of W3C Privacy Interest Group and Fellow at Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) in South Korea. Furthermore, he taught at ITU Centres of Excellence Network for Asia-Pacific Region,and Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy(APIGA) organized by the ICANN. He authored seven books including 'The Archaeology of Disinformation from Rome to the Era of Social Media' and 'The Layered Model of Internet Regulation'

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Dr. Yik Chan CHIN
China - Assistant Professor, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (Academia)

Dr. Yik Chan Chin is Assistant Professor at Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University's School of Film and TV Arts. Prior to this, she worked in the University of Nottingham and University of Oxford’s School of Law as a research fellow in media and communication regulation and law, as well as in Hong Kong Baptist University’s Department of Journalism. Her areas of research include media and communication policy, governance, and law with special focus on China. Currently, she is working on the projects of Internet governance in China, big data ethics in the social media sector, and communication ethics in the Artificial Intelligent context.

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Kilnam CHON
South Korea - Professor, Kaist (Academia)

Worked on the network research and development since 1960s in usa, korea, and the rest of asia.

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APAC - Director, CCAOI (Civil Society)

Amrita Choudhury serves as the Director of a not for profit association, CCAOI, a platform responsible for representing the interests of the various stakeholders of the ecosystem of Internet in India: public Internet access points (cybercafes, CSCs, kiosk providers), service and content providers, connected and unconnected Internet users.

She serves as the President of Internet Society India, Delhi Chapter, heads the Asia Pacific Women Special Interest Group at Internet Society and is the NomCom 2020 member representing the At Large APAC community.

An active participant in policy discussions, both at domestic and international platforms, she is also involved in capacity building, outreach and research in Internet Governance. She is one of the founding members of the India School of Internet Governance (inSIG); curates for the Geneva Internet Platform. She also advises and guides Youth@IGF, a youth outreach initiative in India.

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Singapore - Stakeholder Engagement Regional Senior Manager, APAC, ICANN, (Technical Community)

Jean Chong is ICANN's Stakeholder Engagement Regional Senior Manager, APAC. She focuses on expanding ICANN's presence in the region and contributing to the development of the Internet Governance eco-system through engagements with key stakeholders across APAC.

With a strong interest in technology and APAC's regional growth story, she has a career background in both the public and private sector with a global financial messaging provider, a capital markets regulator and a global professional services firm.

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Mr. Edmon CHUNG
Hong Kong - CEO, DotAsia Organization (Technical Community)

Edmon Chung is serving as the CEO for DotAsia Organisation and heads the secretariat for the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF), and the secretariat for the Asian Film Awards Academy. Edmon serves also on the founding board of the Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA), and on the Executive Committee of Internet Society Hong Kong, which serves as the secretariat for the Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO) and participates extensively on Internet governance issues.

Since 2002, Edmon played a leadership role in the region-wide .Asia initiative, bringing together an open membership of 29 official country-code top-level domain authorities and regional Internet bodies. DotAsia is a not-for-profit organization with a mandate to promote Internet development and adoption in Asia. Since its launch in 2008, DotAsia has contributed significantly to a variety of community projects in Asia, including for example:, Go.Asia, ISIF.Asia, NetMission.Asia, MaD.Asia and others.

Edmon is an inventor of patents underlying technologies for internationalized domain names (IDN) and email addresses on the Internet. Edmon has served on many global IDN related committees, including technical and policy groups, that made it possible for the introduction of multilingual domain names and email addresses on the Internet. Currently Edmon serves as the Vice-Chair of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group and is an Advisor on the IDN Variant Project Label Generation Rules Panels. Edmon founded Neteka Inc. in partnership with the University of Toronto Innovations Foundation in 1999, and went on to win the Most Innovative Award in the Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurship Award in 2001. In 2000, Edmon was selected by The Globe and Mail as one of the Young Canadian Leaders. Between 2006 and 2010, Edmon served as an elected member on the ICANN GNSO Council. Between 2010 and 2012, Edmon served as an elected member on the ICANN At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) from the Asia Pacific Region. Between 2006 and 2011, Edmon served as an elected member of the Elections Committee of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the Information Technology Subsector.

Edmon has a Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Engineering from the University of Toronto.

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Ms. Noelle DE GUZMAN
Philippines - Senior Advisor, Policy and External Engagement, Internet Society (Technical Community)

Noelle de Guzman is Senior Advisor for Policy and External Engagement at the Internet Society, the world's trusted independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards, and future development. Noelle leads policy engagement with regional and global organisations with presence in Asia-Pacific, and drives partnerships with the public sector through sound policy advice and capacity-building initiatives

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Mr. Shibendu DEBBARMA
Agartala, Tripura, India - Scientist-D, STPI (Technical Community)

He is working as Scientist-D (Joint Director), Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), Agartala, Tripura. He is spreading Internet for every one and its Governance among locality in his area through various activities. He was Assistant Professor in Department of Information Technology, Tripura University.

His teaching and research interests combine data network, IPv6, IoT and Internet Technologies. He has research publications in conference proceedings and in academic journals as well as. He is involved with ISOC, IGF, APAN, InSIG, APrIGF etc.

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Bandana Elisha DEVI
Fiji - Founder, That Tech Gurl, (Technical Community)

I am an experienced Systems Engineer with 7 years of experience in managing the IT infrastructure within an education establishment including server, cloud, desktop, and network support. I have significant expertise in managing Windows Server, Exchange, SharePoint, Hyper-V, and Cloud, as well as experience with managing technical projects through the full project life-cycle.

I also have a keen interest in IT Risk Management and Information/Network Security as well.

I have my blog website, That Tech Gurl (, which tells a story, a woman's journey in the Tech field. These women include from Asia/Pacific region.

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Philippines - Executive Director, Association for Progressive Communications (Civil Society)

Chat Garcia Ramilo is the Executive Director of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC). Ms. Ramilo has considerable organisational, management and gender expertise developed over 25 years of leading and managing multi-country and multi-disciplinary projects, programmes and networks.

Chat has been with APC since 2000. She was the manager of APC’s women’s programme for eight years and led the development, fundraising and management of nine multi-country ICT for development projects that focused on gender equality and women’s empowerment. She managed APC’s ground breaking gender evaluation methodology project and was lead author of Gender Evaluation Methodologies for Internet and ICTs (GEM), published in 2005. She served as APC Deputy Director, responsible for strategic planning and programme integration, membership and network development, learning, monitoring and evaluation and capacity building. In this position, Chat led the successful development of a new APC member grants programme that enablesd member organisations to contribute to implementing the network’s strategic priorities. Chat is a Filipino and resident of the Philippines and Australia.

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Mr. Ananda GAUTAM
Nepal - Program Officer, Internet Governance Institute (Civil Society)

Mr. Gautam is a Graduate of Bsc. (Hons ) Networking and IT Security from London Metropolitan University. He is a fellow of first-ever NpSIG 2018 and has been actively involved and contributing to the internet governance ecosystem in Nepal and the Asia Pacific Region. He secured Internet society Nepal Chapter fellowship to APRICOT 2018 and has also participated in India School on Internet Governance and Asia Pacific Community Network Exchange as an International Fellow. Mr. Gautam also completed a course on "How to Engage in Broadband Policy and Regulatory Processes" organized by Internet society Nepal, CLT, and Lirne Asia. He is also actively involved to capacitate and encourage youth involvement in Internet Governance.

Mr. Gautam as a consultant works in the periphery of Open data and Data-driven Policy Making. He is closely working with the local government of the remote rural municipality of Nepal and providing technical assistance and innovative solution to foster citizens to government relations. Mr. Gautam in his initiation developed a mobile application on open governance which is now up and running in 8 local governments of Nepal till the date.

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Mr. Waqas HASSAN
Pakistan - Assistant Director (International Liaison & Training), Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (Government)

Waqas is the President of Internet Society Pakistan Islamabad Chapter. He has been an active volunteer for the IG community of Pakistan, mainly in the field of capacity development, innovative education solutions and multi-stakeholder participation. He is also the Assistant Director (International Liaison & Training) at the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, with regulatory experience of over 15 years that includes international coordination, stakeholder engagement, ICT development analysis, ICT indicators review, Internet Governance, mobile money and civil society engagement.

Waqas has been actively involved in the APrIGF MSG after being selected as APrIGF fellow in 2017. He has served on the drafting committee and programme committee for several years. Furthermore, he is also a DIPLO, APSIG, SANOG, LIRNEasia fellow for various events and courses. Waqas is also a member of the steering committee for Pakistan School on Internet Governance and Pakistan Internet Governance Forum (in process). He has collaborated with various international organizations to hold ICT events and foreign training opportunities for the PTA officers. He has also documented the national and regional ICT Policy developments for various publications and analytical reports. He also contributes as a member of various Internet and telecom expert groups such as ITU's Expert Group on ICT Household Indictors and ITU's Expert Group on Telecommunication and ICT Indicator. He holds a Master's Degree in Business Administration as well as Bachelor's Degree in Business Information Technology of Curtin University, Australia.

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Ms. Maureen HILYARD
Pacific - Chair, ALAC (At-Large Advisory Committee), ICANN (Civil Society)

I attended my first global IGF in Hyderabad in 2008 after completing the Diplo Foundation IGF course and I was an ISOC Ambassador at the IGF in Sharm El Shiekh in 2009. I have been a member of the APRIGF since Incheon in 2012. I have an interest in raising awareness about IG in the Pacific and am a co-founder of the Dynamic Coalition for Small Island Developing States in the Internet Economy. I have been with ICANN since my first Fellowship in 2010 and on the At-Large Advisory Committee(ALAC) since 2014. I am currently the ALAC Chair.

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Australia - Strategic Engagement Director, APNIC (Technical Community)

Works for APNIC. Former ICANN, former ViceChair of GAC and former Director at Cofetel

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Mr. Mohammad Jahangir HOSSAIN
Bangladesh - Board Member, Internet Society Bangladesh (Technical Community)

Jahangir Hossain is the founding member and Vice Chair of Board of Trustee Internet Society (ISOC) Bangladesh. Also founding member of Executive Committee of Bangladesh Network Operator Group (bdNOG).

Mr. Hossain is fellow alumni member of SANOG, ISOC, APNIC, ICANN, UNIGF and active member in IG community.

Currently he is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh where professionally as a Sr. Manager, Data Communication Network of Banglatel Group, consists of leading International Internet Gateway (IIG), International Gateway (IGW), Interconnection Exchange (ICX), Internet Service Provider (ISP) operator in Bangladesh. He is also co-founder of Netconf Systems.

Beside these he has been working with various stakeholders on technical policy making, awareness and capacity development. Also working as an ICT presenter, Trainer as well as organizer for local and regional community.

Now he has been trying to build up awareness and skill for analysis Critical Internet Resource, Internet governance principle, Cyber security, Date protection and Community empowerment to ensure "Internet is safe for everyone”.

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Mr. Hiro HOTTA
Japan - Director, JPRS (Technical Community)

Director of JPRS, .JP ccTLD Registry, since 2001. He is responsible for corporate planning and administration of JPRS. He has actively participated and lead discussions in ICANN as a ccNSO Councilor. He is also known as his speciality in IDN and has been active in various Working Groups and Committees of ICANN. He was an awardee of ICANN Multistakeholder Ethos Award in 2017.

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Dr. Kenny HUANG
Taiwan - Chairman and CEO, Taiwan Network Information Center (Technical Community)

Dr. Kenny Huang is the leading figure of the Internet communities in Asia. Since the early years of Taiwan’s Internet development, he contributed a great deal to build up a better Internet environment in Taiwan. Because of his tremendous knowledge and experience, he has been invited to take up leading roles in many Internet technology and policy organizations, including APNIC Executive Council member, ICANN ASO, Board member of PIR (.org gTLD), Chairman and CEO of TWNIC, Advisory Council of dot Asia, New gTLD Review Group of ICANN, Founder of APAN TW, Founder of ISOC Taipei and Executive Board Director of TWIA.

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Malaysia - Researcher, University of Malaya (Academia)

Academic Researcher

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Philippines - Dean, College of Information Technology, Southville International School and Colleges (Academia)

Aris Ignacio is the Dean of the College of Information Technology at Southville International School and Colleges in the Philippines. He is an advocate for the youth being a major stakeholder group in Internet Governance discussions, and has facilitated the participation of university/college students in local, regional and global Internet governance events, particularly in Asia-Pacific. He also an advocate of improving digital literacy by helping underdeveloped schools through training and refurbishing old peripherals/hardware for donations. This was evidenced as one of the entries during Chapterthon 2017, where he led a group of college students to a project on improving the infrastructure and creating an impact to students within the beneficiary school and community.

Aris is currently a Board Member and current Vice President of Development at ISOC Philippines Chapter, which is a member of the At-Large structure and Outreach working group in ICANN. He is a founding board member of the rejuvenation of the said chapter, past President, and Chair of the Board. He was a past ICANN fellow in several meetings and represented ISOC-PH in the events. Currently, Aris is a member of ALAC Outreach and Engagement Subcommittee working group at ICANN. He was a participant the 1st Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG) and was selected as one of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Ambassadors for 2017 which was held in Geneva, Switzerland.

He is also a member of the Multi-stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) for the Asia Pacific Regional IGF. Aris has been a co-chair and currently a member of the APrIGF Fellowship team for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

He was the main proponent for IN2ITION (Into IT Convention), a national student-led convention that features various topics and issues in the field of Information Technology and Internet Governance.

He is also one of the pioneers in the Learn IG initiative.

Aris holds a bachelors degree in Computer Science, a masters degree in Information Management and a doctorate degree in Information Technology. He is also a Microsoft Certified Professional and Certified Educator.

Lastly, he has presented researches and facilitated topics and discussions relating to Internet Governance nationally and internationally.

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Mr. Priyatosh JANA
India - Vice - President (Membership), Assistant Professor, ISOC India Kolkata Chapter, Mallabhum Institute of Technology (Academia)

Presently is a Vice President Membership of ISOC India Kolkata Chapter and Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Mallabhum Institute of Technology, India. He was the former Lecturer of Computer Science at Shivaji Science College, Nagpur, India.

His physical participation was in the first edition of Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG),2016 at Bangkok, IETF98 at Chicago as ISOC Kolkata Fellow, India School on Internet Governance (inSIG) 2018 as Fellow at New Delhi and Global IGF2018 at UNESCO, Paris as Internet Society (ISOC) 2018 IGF Ambassadors Fellow,Fellow participant to NASIG2019 and ATLAS III Supported Traveler to ICANN66,Montreal.He has been selected as Fellow to ICANN67,Cancun.

He is experienced in attending, organizing Seminars and workshops on Internet Governance and Technology related event. He is an Invited Speaker for capacity Building on Digital Inclusion, Accessibility & Empowerment, Internet Governance and ICT for Education etc towards a secured Digital Society. He has not restricted himself only within the conventional regular academic exercises. Presently he is associated with several professional bodies. Attached with various institute level committees which function properly for the smooth running and Single Point of Contact(SPOC) of IIT designed National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning(NPTEL) MOOC courses, Remote center coordinator of National Education Mission through ICTs(NMEICT,Govt.of India) and Virtual lab Nodal center Coordinator.

His motivation to become a facilitator on Internet Governance and Technology based events in locally, regionally, globally and particularly in Asia-Pacific.

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Mr. Sumit JHA
India - Secretary, NFCSF (Private Sector)

I have been a Public Policy, Corporate Governance and Government Affairs Professional, handling legislative, regulatory & legal aspects, Policy Consultation, Coordination & Recommendation, Editorial assignments etc.

Apart from my current position at NFCSF, I am also an Editor of which promotes digital transformation and technology adoption in the global real estate sector. I am also associated with a few other social, business and professional initiatives. With a view to contribute towards Global Internet Governance and shape the Debates and Policies around it, I wish to join the MSG of APrIGF.

Prior related Experience and Course Completed:
Fellowship: InSIG 2019, Kolkata

Introduction to ICANN: ICANN Online Course
Digital Trade and Global Internet Governance: ICANN Online Course
Writing for Policy and Public Comment: ICANN Online Course
Have read "An Introduction to Internet Governance" by Jovan Kurbalija, DIPLO Foundation

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Nepal - Executive Director, Body & Data (Civil Society)

Shubha is a Co-founder and Executive Director of Body & Data which works in the area of internet freedom from the lens of gender and sexuality in Nepal.

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India - Asia Policy Regional Coordinator, APC (Civil Society)

Gayatri Khandhadai is a lawyer with a background in international law and human rights, international and regional human rights mechanisms, research, and advocacy. She previously worked with national and regional human rights groups, focusing on freedom of expression.

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Mr. Maheeshwara KIRINDIGODA
Sri Lanka - CEO, Asian Destinations Pvt Ltd (Private Sector)

Maheeshwara earned his Degree on Social Sciences (Communication) from the Open University of Sri Lanka. Apart from his entrepreneur life He is an IT Professional who is in the field of IT from the year of 2002.

As the President of Internet Society he initiated the IoT Sri Lanka initiative to discuss the need on IoT Governance within Sri Lanka. Maheeshwara had initiated the Internet Governance in Sri Lanka by forming the Internet Governance Forum and the School on Internet Governance.

He is the National Coordinator for Global Internet Governance Forum and he is Multistakeholder Steering Group Member in Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum.

He has been instrumental in business Associations, He is the Secretary for Central Province Exporters Chamber, and Executive Board Member of the Lanka Business Ring. He was Chaired and Served in many positions in Chamber of ICT , Computer Vendors Association Central Province.

Maheeshwara now actively working on initiating Internet Economy Mission through a symposium.

His vision is to create a better world with supportive technologies which are safe and secure.

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Tokyo, Japan - Researcher, Mercari, Inc. (Private Sector)

After getting her master’s at Keio University’s Graduate School of Media and Governance, she joined the R4D Team in April 2019 as a researcher.

She specializes in Wi-Fi network and IoT access control as well as international collaboration on the internet. She has coordinated local and regional initiatives to support open and stable internet technologies.

Mariko is a board member of the WIDE Project, member of the Multi-stakeholder Steering Group of the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF), and co-chair of ISOC Japan Chapter.

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Mr. Samridh KUDESIA
India - Senior Associate, Reimagining Higher Education Foundation (Plaksha University) (Technical Community)

I majored in computer science in college, and in my last year, developed an Ethereum project, only to realize that my interests lie in the governance of technology. To pursue this, I minored in political science to better understand governments. Since then, I have been engaging myself in tech policy.

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Fiji - Secretary, PICISOC (Civil Society)

Experience in Application Development and Systems Analysis in the private sector; in Banking previously and Tourism. An ICT consultant for systems implementation, requirements analysis and business process redesign.

Board Secretary for Pacific Islands Chapter of Internet Society (PICISOC).

Familiar with ICANN,and alumni and At-Large representative for Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization (APRALO).

Involved in cybersecurity capacity building and empowering women ICT sector with strong interests in issues related to Internet accessibility, privacy and child safety online for the Pacific region.

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Australia - Company Director, Internet Australia and NetThing MSC (Civil Society)


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Ms. Sabrina LIM
Singapore - Global Stakeholder Engagement Programs Manager, APAC, ICANN (Technical Community)

Sabrina Lim is ICANN’s Global Stakeholder Engagement Programs Manager for APAC. She focuses on widening the Internet community’s participation in ICANN through engagement programs with various stakeholders in the region.

Her background is specialized in Communications for the Singapore government. She served in this capacity for some 8 years in the Ministry of Communications and Information, with secondments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of National Development.

Sabrina holds an Honours degree in Sociology from the National University of Singapore, and a graduate diploma in Mass Communications from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

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Dr. Yong LIU
Beijing - Researcher, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences in China (Academia)

I am a researcher at the Hebei Academy of Social Sciences(河北省社会科学院) in China. I received my Ph.D. in Law from the China University of Political Science and Law(中国政法大学) in 2014. My current research interests focus on internet law, internet governance and intellectual property. I have published several books and papers in the field of internet law and copyright law. I am interviewed regularly by local and national media outlets to provide legal perspective on current events.

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Mr. Jia-Rong LOW
Asia - Vice President and Managing Director, Asia Pacific, ICANN (Technical Community)

An international executive with Foreign Service credentials, Jia-Rong Low joined ICANN in August of 2013 and is now the Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement and Managing Director - Asia Pacific.

Stationed in Singapore, Jia-Rong leads the teams at the APAC Regional Office, overseeing the expansion of ICANN's operations in the region. Jia-Rong works with key stakeholders to bring ICANN to the region, and facilitate stakeholders to participate in multistakeholder internet governance.

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Pacific - Asia Pacific Regional Director/Coordinator, The World Wide Web Foundation (WWW) (Inter-governmental Organisation)

I am currently the Vice-Chair of the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) and the Vice-Chair of the Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC). I am passionate about ICT for Development, Internet Governance and Regionalism. It's been an amazing journey to serve the Asia and Pacific region. I continue to support and assist members when the need arises.

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Ms. Jyotsna MASKAY
Nepal - Chairperson, LOOM (Civil Society)

jyotsna is an inter sectional feminist, and draws her knowledge and experiences from the feminist movement in Nepal. Jyotsna is a founding chair at LOOM, a feminist collective that adopts a multi generational activism working on the intersection of gender sexuality freedom of expression and movement building. She also runs the " women in cinema fellowship South Asia" for women and those who identity as women film makers.Jyotsna also runs an arts residency space. She is also a chairperson of WOREC, a leading feminist national organizations. Her four dogs own her, and saving up for trips with friends is her bliss.

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Mr. Ananda NIRAULA
Kathmandu, Nepal - Cyber Crime Investigator, Nepal Police (Government)

I have been working in Nepal police and I am the cyber crime investigator working in Nepal police since 7 years. i am computer master of computer science. I have participate APrIGF also.

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Ms. Mary Rose OFIANGA
Davao City, Philippines - Managing Director, E3Hubs Philippines (Private Sector)

Rose is a community builder with a passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. With more than 10 years of management and organizing experience, she's now focusing her career in building the Innovation Ecosystem in the country. She had worked with various types of organizations including international non-government organizations, humanitarian NGO, consulting firms, and multinational companies. She had played several roles with these organizations, including as manager, facilitator, organizer, coordinator, social media marketer, design thinker, program creator, writer, speaker, and trainer. Being exposed to different industries including environment, health, education, social services, tech, and the internet, she had gained multiple skills in business management making her flexible in dealing with different companies in these industries.

Being a builder of the innovators' community, Rose is "learning by doing" innovation, entrepreneurship and personal development. She believes in the power of technology to unleash one's unlimited potential and economic development, while acknowledging the other edge of technology to undermine human rights. With that, digital literacy is one of her great advocacies.

Recently Rose became one of the Members of the UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) 2019/2020 and an Open Internet for Democracy Leader 2018 by OpenNet Global. She is also an alumnus of the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy 2018 held in South Korea. She's also the Digital Literacy Champion in Davao City in 2018.

Rose finds pleasure in giving back to her community. She's been organizing community events, training/workshops on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Rose never stops learning and surrounds herself with like-minded people. Currently, she's into the building and empowering the entrepreneurs' community. With E3Hubs, she's developing programs that support the entrepreneurs in every step of their journey.

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Mr. Rom Kant PANDEY
Nepal - Asst. Professor, Tribhuvan University (Academia)

Mr. Rom Kant Pandey, a dedicated ICT Educationists is the Assistant Professor at ICT Education, Tribhuvan University, the oldest and largest university of Nepal. He is one of key team member and coordinator of digital infrastructure development committee of Nepal Open University for new initiative on ICT education where he designs various tools and approach for digital learning. He is also member of Information Communication Technology Council of Nepal which chaired by Prime Minister.

He is acting president of the Internet Society Nepal Chapter. He has significant interest and intervention in shaping Internet governance scenario in Nepal. He was one of key architect of first ever Nepal IGF and Nepal School on Internet Governance held in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively and serves as the member of to the Multi-stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) of Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum and Nepal IGF as well. He has also active in the APrIGF2020 host steering committee as host organization. Additionally, He has also been providing consulting service in the area of smart city, MIS, e-governance. Digital economy and Digital learning. Some of major clients he served are Word Bank, ADB and Government of Nepal.

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Mr. Ram Krishna PARIYAR
South Asia Nepal - Sr.Network Engineer, Subisu Cablenet Pvt Ltd (Technical Community)

This is Ram Krishna Pariyar ICANN SSR2 Review Team Member. Professionally I am working at Subisu Cablenet as Senior Network Engineer R&D IP Engineering since last Twelve years. Before join Subisu I was working at Prime College as Cisco Academy Instructor and System administrator around 6 Years.

I have around Seventeen years of operational and Academic experience & knowledge in Routing, Switching and Network Security in different vendors like Cisco, Juniper, Huawei and Brocade etc. Advanced knowledge & skills in prepare, plan, design, implement, operate and optimized Enterprise and ISP/NSP Network. A result-oriented professional.

Broad Technology and Training Skills
Experienced trainer on Computers, Networks, Internet technologies and Security Systems in both academic and operational environments.
Designing Secure and high performance network, Cloud computing and Network Virtualization and IT infrastructure
In depth understanding of IP (IPv4 and IPv6), TCP/IP, DNS, Routing Protocol (OSPF, BGP, ISIS, MPLS, EIGRP), advanced routing, switching and UTM Systems.
Training and operational experience on different vendor’s equipment’s such as CISCO, JUNIPER, HUAWEI, MAIPU, EXTREME, BROCADE etc.
Administration level skills for Operating systems – Windows Servers, Linux, FreeBSD.

Instructor Excellence Award: Advance Level Instructor Excellence: Cisco Networking Academy Program 2015.
Instructor Years of Service for 10 years: Cisco Networking Academy Program 2014
Instructor Excellence Award: Advance Level Instructor Excellence: Cisco Networking Academy Program 2013
Instructor Excellence Expert: Expert Level Instructor Excellence: Cisco Networking Academy Program 2012

My area of expertise
IPV4 / IPv6 Advanced Routing, MPLS Network Design and Deployment, Network Security, Cyber security, Virtualization etc. I am actively participated in many National and International Internet & telecom forums such as NPIX, SANOG and APRICOT as IPV4/IPV6 Routing / MPLS Network design and Deployment, Network Security Instructor and sits on the program committee of NPIX, SANOG and APRICOT. Executive Secretary ISOC Nepal Chapter and VP at npNOG.

I have few leading & industry accredited certifications such as CCAI / CCNP /CCNA JNCIA, JNCIS-SP, JNCIP-SP, JNCIS-EN MCP / MCSA Messaging.

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Mr. Krishna Prasad POKHREL
Kathmandu, Nepal - Technical, Internet Society Nepal Chapter (Technical Community)

I began my career in the field of Information Technology as a technical trainer in 2001 and thoroughly enjoyed teaching to several numbers of IT students in various institutes. I joined Websurfer Nepal Communication System Pvt. Ltd., a leading internet service provider in Nepal, in 2009 where I work with various technologies and am responsible for management of technical infrastructure, resources, implementation of the right technology for delivery of quality service to the customers.

I have a degree in MSC – IT from Sikkim Manipal University, India. I have undergone multiple vendor specific trainings, attended various regional and national level conferences and workshops provided by APNIC , APRICOT , SANOG , ISOC , npIX and npNOG. I was awarded fellowship to participate in training on USTTI-2016, APNIC-44, APNIC-46, APSIG-2018.

I am a member of npNOG and Executive Committee member of ISOC - Nepal Chapter. I am also associated with Nepal Research and Education Network (NREN), Federal Computer Association of Nepal ( FCAN ) and npIX. I assist in organizing various programmes, work as a resource person and create a network of IT professionals in Nepal to boost learning and development. I also contribute by providing insights into making policies for the development of the internet technology in the country.

I took the initiative to bring together all the ISPs in Nepal to form a consortium to share CDN nodes in Nepal which has benefitted all the ISPs.

I have contributed over 15 years of my career in the field of Information Technology. With my humble beginning as a trainer and now holding a Senior Level position in one of the leading ISPs in Nepal and my association with various national and international organizations, I look further to become an important contributor towards achievement of exemplary success of the internet technology.

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Bangladesh - Chief Executive Officer, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication (Civil Society)

AHM Bazlur Rahman-S21BR has spent 30+years of his career playing as a leading role as the social catalyst for promoting community media, communicating on the public sphere, communicating knowledge, civil rights in communication & cultural rights in communication, ICT for development, knowledge society, internet governance, amateur radio, right to information and policy advocacy. media development, theological communication, innovative thought provoking practitioner, knowledge management for development (KM4D) and business for development.

He has unique quality of experience and contribution in an inclusive manner in multi-stakeholders of politics, development partners, private sector, NGO & civil society, public sector, policy makers, academia and media. He is known as transformational expert, visionary, and change agent.

He has been working as the member of the Community Radio Monitoring Committee of Ministry of Information, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, one of the founders’ of Bangladesh UN Internet Governance Forum & South Asia Network for Community Media (SANCOM), World Radio Day International Committee, member of the Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) of UN Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) and Research Fellow of Bangladesh Center for Fourth Industrial Revolution (BD4IR). He is one of the distinguish fellow of Legislative Development of the US Department State.

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Mr. Shah Zahidur RAHMAN
Bangladesh - Consultant, cWork Microjob Ltd (Technical Community)

Shah Zahidur Rahman is an active member of Internet Society Bangladesh Chapter. Since his participation, he is playing active role for the chapter development and contributing support in local events management. However Shah is First bdSIG Fellow and since 2016 he is working in bdSIG program committee. He has continuous playing vital role for arranging bdSIG every year, its course development and methodology to keep align with APSIG. Beside that he is member of Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF) and having continuous participation in UN Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum Consultation. He also individual member of ICANN-NCSG/NCUC.

Shah is former fellow of IETF, APSIG, APAN, APrIGF and has contributed several workshop organization for those meting as well as session Speaker. Also he is AprIGF 2019 drafting committee member and has playing active role in preparing “Synthesis Document” input and have volunteering in Emerging technology and society. He has extensive knowledge on Internet Governance process and its development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. He actively participate in the national, regional best practices and policy recommendations, and how to collaborate with other stockholders.

Shah has completed his bachelor degree in Computer Science & Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) and professional business certified on Crafting Innovative Business Strategy from IBA Dhaka University, also have done many other technical courses certification. He has extensive knowledge on Internet Technology, Enterprise Solutions, Big Data and AI. In his professional experience he had lead Implementing internet 4G nationwide. Also he had worked on both CDMA and GSM technologies. During his professional tenure he had lead several IT-ITES and ICT4D projects and currently also involve in technology business consultancy for SME and Start-up company.

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Dr. Gnanajeyaraman RAJARAM

A qualified and efficient Teacher having a sound knowledge in Computer Science and Engineering related subjects for B.E / B.Tech and MCA/M.E.
A person with an excellent experience in Policy Planning in Education, Curriculum Development, Human Resource Management, Innovative Design of Motivational Techniques and Resource Management.
An active player having a Liaison with various Institutions, R&D organizations and Industries, to promote various technical activities.
An efficient Team Leader with outstanding organizational and excellent interpersonal skills to conduct any events such as seminars, symposiums, conferences, workshops, training programs, etc.
As a Reviewer for the World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology (WCSET), International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), AES journals [AESJ] and Institute of Engineering & Technology-Image Processing (IET-IPR), IJCNS. Etc.

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India - Project Coordinator, Association for Progressive Communications (APC) (Civil Society)

Pavitra is a lawyer working on the intersection of freedom of expression, particularly freedom of religion or belief, assembly and association and ICTs.

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Mr. Vivek RANA
S. East Asia - Principal Consultant, InfoAssure LLP (Technical Community)

Vivek Rana is the principal consultant for InfoAssure LLP Nepal working in the areas of Cyber-security, Enterprise Architecture, Governance, Risk and Compliance assurance and IS assurances. He is certified Enterprise Architect specializing in stakeholder engagement and Governance of Enterprise IT.

In the past he led Nepal Internet Users’ Group (NIUG) – first Internet related NGO in Nepal (1997) to on board organizations to embark Internet technologies funded by IDRC, worked for High Level commission for Information technology Nepal (2004), General Secretary of Computer Association of Nepal (2005) and represented in the second WSIS meeting in Tunis, Tunisia (2005). Vivek has worked in key ICT development projects i.e., Financial Sector Reform and Nepal Modernization project where he was instrumental in developing the Enterprise Architecture for Nepal along with groupware and Government Information Data center for the Government of Nepal.

He holds Masters degree from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland in E-governance and Public policy and Electrical Engineering from University of Arizona, US.

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Mr. Shreedeep RAYAMAJHI
Nepal - ICT4D consultant, Rayznews (Civil Society)

I am an ICT4D consultant working in the field of Internet Governance in asia Pacific. We majorly work with youths and leaders creating better awareness and capacity building program. Our main motto is to create sustainable environment for sharing IG knowledge and collboration in creating better opportunities.

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Pritika REDDY
Fiji - Lecturer, Fiji National University, (Academia)

Pritika Reddy currently works as a lecturer at the School of Mathematics and Computing Science Department at Fiji National University. She is a strong information technology and research professional with a Masters Degree in Science- Information system. Her research interest is Higher Education pedagogy, flexible and distance learning, mobile learning and digital literacy. Currently, she is doing her PhD and her research is improving the digital literacy of the Pacific Islanders. In doing so she aims to drive that higher education in the South Pacific can be transformed if people's digital literacy is improved.

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Mr. Winston ROBERTS
New Zealand - Senior Business Advisor (International), IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) (Civil Society)

Winston Roberts is Senior Business Advisor (International) in the Office of the National Librarian, at the National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ) in Wellington. He advises on the Library’s stakeholder relations with overseas peer organisations and international professional bodies. He monitors developments in intellectual property, public access to information, protection of cultural heritage, and information society issues, broadly.

He formerly worked for the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) based in The Hague, as the Coordinator of Professional Activities of IFLA from 1990 to 1998. He is currently a member of IFLA’s Regional Standing Committee for Asia-Oceania.

In 2003 he was a member of the New Zealand delegation at the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, and Head of the New Zealand delegation at the second WSIS in Tunis in 2005. Since then, for the National Library and for IFLA, he has continued to monitor information society developments at international level, and in particular the global arrangements for governance of the Internet which were set up by the WSIS. In particular, from a public policy perspective, he follows the process towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2030. He is a firm supporter of ‘multistakeholderism’. He is a personal affiliate of IFLA, a member of LIANZA (the New Zealand library and information association) and a member of Internet New Zealand.

At the APrIGF meetings from 2013 to 2018, he organised and convened workshops on community access to information. He attended the December 2017 global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Geneva, on behalf of IFLA and InternetNZ.

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Mr. Mubashir SARGANA
Pakistan - Adviser to the Minister on Digital Media, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (Government)

A Cyber Security professional. Specialties include Digital Forensics and Incident Handling & Response, with diversified professional experience in relevant domains. Internet Public Policy is an addition to his skill set. He has got sufficient knowledge and grip on local & cross-border Cyber Security matters, including those involving privacy violations & data breaches.

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India - Founder, Youth4IG (Civil Society)

Mili Semlani represents the Asia Pacific (APAC) region at the NCUC Executive Committee. She is the founder of Youth4IG, an Internet governance youth coalition for APAC.

She is passionate about Internet governance and focuses on enhancing capacity development for youth in the region. She attended her first ICANN meeting in 2014 as a NetMission Ambassador. Since 2017, she has been involved in organizing the regional Internet Governance Forum as a Multistakeholder Steering Group (MSG) member.

Semlani believes that there should be more APAC participation in the Internet governance process as Asia is where the next billion of Internet users will be. She was an ICANN 63 Fellow in Barcelona. She is currently a member of APRALO and NCUC.

She was also an inSIG 2018 Fellow and APrIGF 2017 Fellow.

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Mr. Muhammad SHABBIR
Pakistan - President, Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (Academia)

Mr. Muhammad Shabbir is a Member of the Board of Directors of the ISOC Pakistan Islamabad Chapter. He is also the founding President of the ISOC Accessibility Special Interest Group (A11ySIG). He aims to help make the Internet more accessible and inclusive for all. Below are some examples of his activities:

• Mr. Shabbir has experience of working at the international and national level with organizations and forums such as ISOC, ICANN, and IGF. Muhammad Shabbir is a policy researcher by profession and a PhD candidate in International Relations.
• Shabbir has worked in collaboration with ISOC Asia Pacific Bureau and other organizations on a number of projects on digital accessibility in Pakistan: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Mobile App Award 2016; Regional Forum on Web Accessibility in Islamabad (Feb 2019); and High level Web Accessibility Training for Developers mainly for Government officials in Pakistan (Oct 2019). Aside from contributing to planning, development, implementation and execution of these projects, he also authored papers on Mobile Accessibility and state of web accessibility for persons with disabilities in Pakistan.
• Shabbir is a member of IGF's DCAD (Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability) and was a member of ICANN’s MEAC-School of Internet Governance (Middle East and Adjoining Countries Strategy Working Group)
• He has been a participant, regular faculty and Steering Committee member of PKSIG at all five events; participated in APSIG2018; and also delivered a lecture at MEAC-SIG 2016.
• In 2016-17, he worked with the Ministry of IT Pakistan to formulate the national IT policy now published and called “Digital Pakistan Policy 2018”. He chaired the working group on accessibility responsible in reviewing the policy from the perspective of persons with disabilities.
• In 2014 he worked with State Bank of Pakistan to formulate and implement the Policy for Accessible Banking for Visually Impaired Persons in the country. As a result, banks in Pakistan now are bound by law to offer e-banking facilities to blind people.
• Muhammad Shabbir with other individuals and institutions has taken the initiative to conduct a national IGF in Pakistan. He is also part of interim Multistakeholder Facilitator Group (MFG), a volunteer group working towards a proper representative MAG, that would conduct first national IGF in Pakistan.
• Muhammad Shabbir has experience in working with volunteer-based organizations since 1997 and has assumed different positions of responsibility. These organizations include: Pakistan Blind Cricket Council, Rawalpindi Cricket Club of the Blind, True Sight Organization of the Blind, Islamabad Council on World Affairs, and International Political Science Association.

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Nepal - President, Nepal Internet Foundation (Civil Society)

Mr. Bikram Shrestha has more than 20+ years of experience in the ICT industries. Bikram had established a startup ISP when he was just 19 years and has been dedicating to the community since then. Mr. Shrestha is the founding treasurer of the Internet Society Nepal currently he holds the position of Past President (PP) of Internet Society Nepal, President of Nepal Internet Foundation (NIF), Vice Chair of Nepal Internet Governance Forum (Nepal IGF), Co-Chair of Cooperation SIG of APNIC and Treasury of Information Technology Security Emergency Response Team, Nepal (ITSERT-NP).

Professionally, he is working as Head of Digital Banking at the Sanima Bank Ltd. Mr. Shrestha is a well-known banking professional having extensive experience in managing and leading major functions like ICT and Banking System as well as Cards and e-Banking System in leading commercial Banks in Nepal. Mr. Shrestha has been contributing on the growth of ICT sector in Nepal through various policy advocacy and capacity building programs. First Nepal IGF and npSIG were successful programs that were conducted under his leadership. He has been closely working with various national, regional and global organizations including Nepal Jaycees, npNOG, NPiX, CAN Federation, Nepal Government at national level and ISOC, APRALO, APrIGF, APSIG, APRICOT, ICANN and IGF at regional and global level. He has attended the fellowship program in INET Sir Lanka and Global INET in Geneva, Switzerland. He was also ICANN fellow and alumni. He also served as Jury member of ICT Award 2017, 2018 & 2019 Nepal and mBillionth Award 2017, organized by Living with ICT and Digital Empower Foundation India.

Mr. Shrestha energizes himself by engaging music and traveling new destinations. He has released two music albums as singer and composer.

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Nepal - Consulting IT and Legal Researcher, (Civil Society)

Hempal Shrestha is an Interdisciplinary Consulting Researcher with over 18 years of experience in South Asia, Central Asia, Europe, and America. Hempal specializes in and has comprehensively consulted on extensive legal, technical, knowledge management and knowledge sharing components of multiple IT products, software, solutions, and services to government, private sector, civil society, and academia. He holds bachelor’s degrees in Science and Law and has completed his master’s degree in Computer Applications. Currently, he is pursuing his master’s degree in Cyber Security from the University of Colombo. Ensuring sustainable Internet and enabling ICT is for people’s development are the core values that he comprehends from the various assignments and fellowships that he had been part of including the Internet Governance course from the Diplo Foundation (2008), ISOC IGF Ambassador ( 2009, 2011) among many others.

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Mr. Santosh Babu SIGDEL
Nepal - Managing Director, Center for Law and Technology (Civil Society)

Santosh Sigdel is human rights lawyers from Nepal, who has been working on issue of internet freedom and digital rights. He is also associated with the Internet Society Nepal since last one decade, founder member of the Nepal IGF MSG, member of APRIGF and APSIG. Currently, member of the APRIGF Kathmandu Host Steering Committee.

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Mr. Rajnesh SINGH
Singapore - Regional Vice-President, Asia-Pacific, Internet Society (ISOC) (Technical Community)

Rajnesh Singh is Regional Vice-President for the Asia-Pacific at the Internet Society, a non-profit organisation dedicated to ensuring the open development, evolution and use of the Internet worldwide.

In this role he works with a broad range of stakeholders, including governments, civil society, academia, the private sector, the technical community and influencers in the Asia-Pacific region to promote technologies and best practices to keep the Internet open, globally connected, secure and trusted for the benefit of people all across the world.

Prior to joining the Internet Society, Rajnesh played founding and leading roles in several technology and private equity investment firms. He has extensive experience in business management and strategy development across multiple industries, including telecommunications, power infrastructure, agriculture, manufacturing and real estate.

He has provided consulting and mentoring support to start-ups and SMEs in the Asia-Pacific region, and has held advisory roles across multiple sectors ranging from governmental organisations to sporting organisations and the private sector.

Rajnesh has worked extensively with the Internet community, and has held several leadership roles, including Chair of the Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) and Founding Chair of ICANN’s Asia Pacific Regional At-Large Organisation (APRALO). He has served on a number of Advisory Boards, and on Expert Working Groups for regional and international organisations on infrastructure, policy and regulatory reform, and development issues.

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Fiji - Digital Forensics and Investigation, Fiji Police, (Inter-governmental Organisation)

I have been in the I.T industry for 21 yrs, Work in various project for LAN and WAN network. Been in the current job for 12 yrs and have contributed to some of the government projects and policy's. i would like to help in anyways I can to promote Digital Technologies and its usefulness across the various sectors and communities.

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Mr. Prabesh SUBEDI
Kathmandu, Nepal - Director, Media Chautari (Private Sector)

I am Prabesh Subedi, New Media Journalists and Internet Freedom Activist from Nepal.

I am a director at Media Chautari, a media company based in Kathmandu and affiliated as an expert member of Digital Media Committee at Federation of Nepalese Journalists.

In 2017, I was one of the signatories to initiate national IGF in Nepal. Since than I have been contributing IGF events in national and global level with various responsibilities.

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Mr. Zakir SYED
Pakistan - Independent Consultant, (Civil Society)

Zakir Syed is an ICT strategy and research professional having in depth knowledge of emerging technologies, policy & regulation, Internet governance and latest trends in the role of ICTs in different sectors. He has been working with different for-profit and not-for-profit organizations in the MENA and South Asia regions. Zakir is working as an independent consultant and advisor to various startups, and tech companies.

He is an active contributor to the regional and beyond-region Internet governance dialogue and is an active member of the ICANN, ISOC and other communities in the IG space. He is ISOC Certified Moderator of the IG Course and has moderated a number of rounds of the course.

Zakir also organize and advise on workshops, conferences and symposia programs, covering topics of interest to policy-makers, regulators and industry.

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Ms. Szeming TAN
Malaysia - Digital Protection Specialist, (Civil Society)

Szeming is a multidisciplinary skills, cross-practice knowledge and experience digital security trainer and community manager based in Southeast Asia, currently focusing on building digital security capacity for small scale human rights defenders organizations, including security auditing, emergency response and planning; developing organization’s security policy and risk reduction plans. Szeming’s work focuses on human rights, environmental issues, government development policy, government transparency, trade agreement and digital rights in Asia-Pacific.

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Mr. Leonid TODOROV
Russia - General Manager, APTLD (Technical Community)

Leonid Todorov earned his M.A. in Linguistics from Moscow State Pedagogical and did postgraduate studies in international relations, management and business leadership, and economics in Denmark, Taiwan and US.

Since the onset of the Russian reforms, he served for more than a decade as Chief of Staff to late PM Yegor Gaidar. His background also includes private sector and academic activities.

In 2008, he joined the Сoordination Сenter for .RU top level domain as Head of Government and International Relations and contributed to the successful launch of the Cyrillic-script IDN ccTLD .РФ and the launch of new gTLDs . ДЕТИ (kids) and .TATAR.

In February 2015, he was appointed as General Manager of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association (APTLD).

As a member of the RIGF Organizing Committee, Leonid has also been engaged in creation and promotion of the Russian Internet Governance Forum, the biggest event of its kind across Eastern and Central Europe and the post-Soviet Space. He also sits on the Multistakeholder Steering Group of the Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF). In 2013-2014, he sat on the ISOC Advisory Business Council and currently is a member of the CCNSO ICANN’s Strategic and Operations Plan Council and observer at the CCNSO Council.

Leonid is a faculty member of the European Summer School on Internet Governance.

Leonid’s focus is on ccTLDs’ operation, Internet governance, new gTLDs, public policy and international cooperation in the ICT area, and cybersecurity. He has authored and coauthored a number of publications on these issues, and presented at various national and international events.

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Mr. Mohammad Kawsar UDDIN
Bangladesh - General Secretary, Internet Society Bangladesh Chapter (Civil Society)

Mr. Kawsar has been in the ICT industry since 1999 and well known in Bangladesh as an ICT journalist. He is one of the founding members of the Internet Society Bangladesh Chapter and now General Secretary of Internet Society Bangladesh Dhaka Chapter.

He is one of the Board members of Technology Media Guild Bangladesh (TMGB) and one of the former Presidents of the Bangladesh ICT Journalist Forum (BIJF).

He is one of the Board members of Bangladesh Network Operators Group (bdNOG), Member of Wikimedia Bangladesh and Fellow of IGF Academy.

He participated in several conferences and workshops around the world to develop leadership and technical skills; always shares my experience and knowledge with the community. Though he is a journalist, he actively involved in the Internet Community of Bangladesh.

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Australia - Director General, APNIC (Technical Community)


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Prof. Hong XUE
East Asia - Director of Institute of Internet Policy & Law, Beijing Normal University (Academia)

National E-Commerce Expert; United Nations Expert for Paperless Trade; WIPO UDRP Expert Neutral

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