Candidate Profile
Vice-Chair Position (2019-2021)
Title: Journalist
Geographical Location: India
Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
A media professional Mili works as an Editor at Travel Daily Media and has lived and worked in India, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Singapore. She was an ICANN 63 Fellow and an NCUC Fellow at ICANN 64. She is currently a member of APRALO and NCUC. She is an inSIG 2018, APrIGF 2017 and 2019 Fellow. She currently leads Youth4IG- APAC's first and only youth fellows coalition to enhance IG engagement regionally.
She was a Netmission Ambassador in 2013 in Hong Kong and that was her first interaction with the Internet and Communication Technology (ICT) and IG policy space started. She was part of the organising team from Hong Kong that organised over 25 youth from Asia to introduce youth participation at ICANN 49 Singapore and other IG forums. Their efforts led to the formation of the Nextgen@ICANN Programme later.
Since 2013, her involvement has grown as a devoted volunteer and fellow at regional forums, yIGF, APrIGF where she is a part of the Member of MSG and Co-chair of Program Committee, IGF, and YCIG (Youth Coalition on Internet Governance).
In 2017, she worked as a consultant with the IGF Secretariat. She served as supporting IGF consultant for the 2017 Best Practice Forums on Gender and Access and Connecting and Enabling the next Billion Phase 3(CENB-III).The Best Practice Forums (BPFs) are part of the Intersessional work programme of the 2017 Internet Governance Forum (IGF2017). Based on community input she produced best practice documents on selected topics. As a consultant she supported the process and served as the editor of the final outcome document.
Other Nominees:
Vice-chair 2019-2021: Ms. Anju MANGAL | Mr. Fouad BAJWA | Mr. Aris IGNACIO | Ms. Mili SEMLANI
Chair 2019-2021: Mr. Rajnesh SINGH | Ms. Sylvia CADENA